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Chi è il graphic designer: lavoro e campi d’azione

When it comes to graphic designer is referred to a professional who works in graphic design, whether on paper or digital, which serves to promote the visual communication of a message. The term graphic designer refers to different types of professionals, from the architect photographer, web designer from the expert to advertising banners and animations. The tasks arising from this work are mainly to create, edit, arrange and improve different graphic elements of which are responsible for making sure that the public arrivals a visual message as clear and unambiguous as possible. The graphic designer can also be primarily responsible for the implementation of a project within their competence as well as can provide technical advice to its client. The knowledge of professional graphic include those in the graphic, the different techniques of color photography, but also of the press, and range in fields such as historical and social, to fully understand the basics of visual communication reported to the company today.

As already mentioned, the graphic designer can take care of different kinds of graphic communication, between the printed and digital.

The graphs that make products of publishing, book covers or notebooks are illustrators. They also take care to create business cards or billboards, using multimedia and not.

Then there are the graphics that deal with the so-called visual journalism, a form of journalism that uses photography as a means of communication.

Among the graphic designer from the world of digital include the designers of logos and logos, images that represent a company describing it in its entirety. The logos must have the virtue of being simple, easy to remember and be associated with the name of the company as well as the work they do.

Still there are graphic designers who work in the field of advertising, for the design and development of banners or animations for advertising purposes, to have a communication visually with the potential client who is facing the advertising message, recalling that visual communication is the most immediate.

Finally, the task of the graphic designer can spread by touching the field of brand design, the field in which the trader is responsible for the entire graphic arts industry company.

Comunicato di Avatar di pemathew3pemathew3 | Pubblicato Giovedì, 27-Nov-2014 | Categoria: Tecnologia
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